What if you had everything you needed to wake up feeling energized, ditch your hashi symptoms, and lose weight without giving up all of the foods you love?

"After doing this program everything in my life started falling into place."

- Brenda M.

What if I told you...

•It is possible to feel like your “pre-Hashi” self again

•You can lose weight and keep it off (even if nothing you’ve tried in the past has worked)

•You no longer need to be held back by brain fog and fatigue

•You don’t need to cut out all of the foods you love in order to ditch your symptoms & lose weight!

•You don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen in order to reach your goals


•Restrictive elimination diets

•Giving up all of the foods you love

•Cutting out full food groups

•Having to make drastic overwhelming changes all at once

 Listen, I’ve been there.

It wasn’t long ago that I was struggling just like you. When I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's I was a competitive swimmer, working out 2-3 hours per day and STILL gaining weight. In fact, I gained 50 pounds while working out and eating <1200 Calories per day! ⁠

I was so frustrated because my endo kept telling me that my labs were "normal" but I continued to gain weight, have horrible cystic acne, and was so insanely exhausted all of the time.⁠ I was so embarrassed and hated my body. It felt like on every turn my body was betraying me. 

Using the information and strategies I share with my clients, I was able to completely ditch my symptoms and lose over 50 pounds (and maintain that weight loss >10 years!).

"In 3 months I am feeling so good and I'm down 12 pounds!"- Charlene

What you will learn:

•How to lose weight and keep it off!

•How to beat carb cravings

•Exactly what to eat to support your thyroid

•How much to eat to improve your hashi metabolism

•How to regulate your hormones

•How to improve your adrenal function

•What leaky gut is and how it impacts your Hashi symptoms

•How to improve your gut health & digestion

•Why you have so many food intolerances and what to do!

•What workouts are best for Hashimoto’s hypothyroid

•How to set realistic goals

•How to identify what’s holding you back from achieving your goals

•What labs to request and what they mean

•You will also learn how to eat with common co-existing health problems including PCOS, insulin resistance, and peri/menopause

And more!

Maybe you...

•Feel like you gain weight by breathing

Diet and exercise more than anyone and yet the scale doesn’t budge

•Feel like your body is broken

Wake up each morning feeling exhausted and have to drag yourself through your day

•Don't enjoy things like you used to because you are always tired and in pain

Suffer from a low or nonexistent libido 

•Feel like you are missing out on opportunities because of brain fog & fatigue

Are confused and anxious about what foods help or hurt your thyroid

"I continue to feel better and better. I never thought it was possible to feel this good again!" - Heidi

Meet Your Coach

Hi! I’m Ingrid Anderson. I am a fellow Hashi Warrior, Registered Dietitian, and Hashimoto’s nutrition expert.

I went from gaining weight uncontrollably, severe adult acne, bloating and fatigue (all while eating “healthy” and exercising) to losing over 50 pounds and ditching all of my Hashi symptoms! 

Through seeking out information to relieve my symptoms, lose weight, and prevent further metabolic issues I found that every part of my lifestyle needed to be re-evaluated. The way I was eating, exercising, hydrating, coping with stress, thinking about my body, etc was leading me down a path of metabolic dysfunction and misery. What used to “work” for weight loss was now working against my body. I had to completely reinvent my lifestyle and change my mindset from “my body hates me” to “what is my body trying to tell me??”.  

In the process, I developed step-by-step strategies so that other Hashi Warriors can learn exactly what to do in order to live a happy, healthy, confident, and fulfilled life!

Is my coaching for you?

This is for you if you are struggling with Hashimoto's Hypothyroid symptoms such as: weight gain, inability to lose weight, bloating, constipation or loose stools, reflux, hair loss, skin issues (acne, psoriasis, eczema etc), joint pain, chronic inflammation, food intolerances, chronic fatigue, muscle pain, or low libido.

If you are ready to transform your Hashi lifestyle and get back to feeling like “pre-hashi” you then you are in the right place!

My coaching is not for you if:

  • You want a quick fix (remember how long you’ve been suffering with symptoms. That’s how long your hormones have been out of whack! It takes on average 3 months for hormones to regulate.

  • You have an active eating disorder (I am sending you so much love and compassion! And while this course is mostly geared towards healing & nourishing your body I do talk about weight loss and calories).

"I'm down 8 pounds not sure how much in size but my clothes are loose. I gave up gluten, followed your plan and SCORE! Girl I am so exited that I have one belly roll instead of three in only three weeks! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" ~Melissa


I have hypothyroid but not Hashimoto’s, is this still for me?

Yes!! Absolutely! While I provide content on the nuances of Hashimoto’s, you will also be able to apply the content and strategies to support your thyroid, improve your energy, and lose weight. 

How long will I have access to the self-paced course?

How does forever sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. You will also have access to all future updates!

What if I want a refund?

Sorry, no refunds here! This program & course are for committed Hashi Warriors only - so if you aren't 100% sure that you want to take action and transform your life, it might be best to think it over a little longer. Plus, after having hundreds of Hashi Warriors use these methods with success we are fully confident that the information and implementation strategies work! 

Additional questions? Email me! [email protected]